This is a colorized version of a black & white graphic which appeared in our company advertising. We have had numerous requests for this (and other D.D.C. graphics) on T-shirts & mousepads, so we decided to make a windows wall-paper .BMP while we were creating the shirts and pads. The scanned graphic was colorized on Corel Photo-Paint, and may require some "editing" to conform to your desired set-up. IE - you may need to resize and/or convert the image depending on your graphics equipment, etc. It has been saved to a VGA-sized .BMP file. It also looks pretty good as a simple B/W picture... Feel free to distribute this file, but please include our company logo and phone number and this document. AND NOW FOR A SHAMELESS PLUG!!! Digital Dungeon Corp. sells IBM Software & Hardware. You can get a copy of our newsletter/catalog by sending a S.A.S.E and $1 to: Digital Dungeon Corp. 1419 Eighth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 We can be reached at 800-624-8228 between 5pm & Midnight (EST), or via fax at 718-522-1051. We can also be reached online on either: GeNie - R.MOORBY1 or CompuServe - 71572,1067 Give us a call, we specialize in the best IBM games on the market!